Question 1

Your company's leadership prioritizes network uptime, having crafted and disseminated a well-defined network resilience strategy that serves as a guiding principle for all endeavors in developing and supporting products, strategies, and solutions.

What makes this significant?

A strong, resilient network generates a return on investment by safeguarding against potential losses:

  • Investment Leads to Business Continuity
    • Safeguard the customers under your care
    • Maintain the integrity of data and systems
    • Uphold and enhance your reputation
    • Ensure an uninterrupted flow within the supply chain, no matter what
    • Enable synchronized recovery through internal communications and procedures
Question 2

Your organization has implemented a redundancy measure by having a minimum of two distinct internet service providers at each location. These providers seamlessly switch to one another in case of an outage or degradation of service.

What makes this significant?

Automatic network failover is crucial to ensure uninterrupted service and can be achieved in the following ways:

  • BGP Routing - This protocol establishes a worldwide routing system across the Internet, fostering network stability by ensuring routers can dynamically adjust to route failures.
    • Routers manage route tables, governing the effective direction of packets. This flow of packets must be maintained for effective operation.
      During an outage, these tables redirect packets along pre-set paths to ensure continuous transmission.
  • SD-WAN, also known as Software Defined Networking, functions as an additional network layer constructed above foundational network connections, utilizing fiber, broadband, or LTE.
    • Through the failover capability of SD-WAN, your network remains consistently operational. Data packets can seamlessly traverse the fastest available route, ensuring continuous availability that automatically switches in case of an outage.
Question 3

Your organization prioritizes the supervision and maintenance of network communication for high uptime and effective operation.

What makes this significant?

Does your Network Monitoring help you keep track of the following metrics?

  • Peak Efficiency - By tracking crucial indicators such as latency, packet loss, network congestion, and bandwidth utilization, businesses can pinpoint blockages that undermine network effectiveness.
  • Identifying and Resolving Issues - Vigilant monitoring empowers businesses to swiftly recognize and resolve network issues, preventing potential disruptions to services.
  • Planning for Capacity and Scalability - Leveraging past data enables precise forecasting of necessary network enhancements and the allocation of bandwidth for optimized application routing.
  • Security and Regulatory Adherence - Network Monitoring is pivotal in upholding security and compliance standards. Through analyzing network and data traffic patterns alongside irregularities, businesses can proactively prevent security breaches and unauthorized access.
Question 4

Has your company encountered a network or phone service disruption that resulted in substantial inconvenience for your customers or end users, hindering their ability to communicate, make purchases, or seek assistance?

What makes this significant?

Keep in mind that each business is unique, but here's what experts have to say regarding the consequences of a disaster-induced outage:

  • According to Jonathan Bernstein, president of Bernstein Crisis Management, around 80% of businesses failing to recover from a disaster within a month face a high risk of closure.
  • As per Bruce Blythe, CEO of Crisis Management International, approximately 75% of businesses lacking business continuity plans face failure within three years following a disaster.
  • Before a disaster occurs, your primary concern should be: How will your company ensure effective communication with customers, in any eventuality? Are your network and communication systems equipped to manage heightened customer demands and inquiries?
Question 5

Your organization performs annual audits on your network and communication infrastructure along with its communication providers. These audits aim to assess your ability to adhere to network uptime priorities, evaluate associated service costs, and determine if there's a need for a technology upgrade or replacement of vendors.

What makes this significant?

Yearly network audits are imperative for companies for a multitude of reasons, including:

  • Optimized Performance - As network infrastructure ages, it can impact overall performance. Network audits are instrumental in identifying issues and optimizing system operations.
  • Boosted Security - Through audits, companies can uncover and tackle security issues like outdated software, improperly configured devices, and insufficient security protocols.
  • Reduced Expenses - Conducting network audits aids in recognizing inefficiencies and superfluous costs associated with network infrastructure and carriers that may have become overly expensive.
Question 6

Your organization has formulated and executed a remote work plan ensuring continuous connectivity, upholding robust end-user security, and facilitating access, collaboration, and seamless communication.

What makes this significant?

Crafting a communication plan for a remote workforce holds immense importance in ensuring efficient contact center operations, fostering customer collaboration, and enhancing productivity for both remote team members and customers. Here are a few guidelines to assist:

  1. Formulate Communication Goals
  2. Choose Communication Platforms
  3. Set Communication Standards
  4. Promote Video Conferencing
  5. Specify Home User Bandwidth and VPN Needs
  6. Supply Documentation and Support Materials
  7. Consistently Assess and Adjust